
Via Vittorio Veneto, 19
13011 –
 Borgosesia –

Robota, is the the world first automated sterilization, from the transportation of contaminated instruments to their delivery, packaged and sterilized, in the and operating room.

The system is integrated with cutting-edge technologies combining reliability, quick return on investment and ease of use.

It encloses, in a small space, a redesigned and resized assembly line for the medical practice. It is composed of robots, ultrasound tanks, automatic enveloper, autoclaves and everything needed for sterilization.

The need to innovate an obsolete process that presents biological risks, very high cycle times and human error, pushed us to use Robots and Agv (Automated Guided Vehicles) maximizing their potential.

Automation guarantees higher standards and workflow control, revolutionizing not only the dental sector, but the entire medical sector.

We enter in a new and until now unexplored dimension. Waste, errors and dangers for personnel and patients are a thing of the past.

Robota, the solution for sterilization processes.

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