
Via G. Mameli 50/52
35020 –
 Albignasego –

Company ISOMED was created in 1997. with the objective to produce and market Titanium implants and high-technology dental components. Over the years, constant research and dedicated work, supported by a long experience in the field of implant dentistry, allowed the achievement of high standards of quality, and production of a number of lines of implants that give professionals the opportunity to successfully manage any situation. State-of-the-art products of this dynamic company are product lines intended for professionals who appreciate immediate loading techniques.
Among these products are conical implants with aggressive screw profile that guarantee a greater primary stability of the implant, by creating a more intimate contact with the bone tissue. External or internal hexagonal connection allows these implants to be immediately loaded, with all the prosthetic components used with the traditional implants with external or internal hexagonal connection.
Company’s main objective is to offer to professionals constant updating and continuous professional growth, by holding various courses, ranging from the ones teaching basics of implantology using simulators, to the ones in emergency medicine, or the ones in advance surgery on cadavers and also courses held at N.Y. University. Our continuous quest for higher customer satisfaction led to the creation of a commercial network on the entire territory, with people responsible for our product lines that are always eager to meet any need, and also, it led to forming medical staff capable of following and supporting professionals while they takes their first steps.
The fruitful work we’ve done so far and, we are certain, will continue to do in an increasingly qualified way, made it possible for ISOMED to occupy a prestigious place among the leading companies in the field of implantology.