
via Galvani 8/10 z. art Villotta
33083 –
 Chions –

The brand ASTRA is a synonym of reliability – a word that encloses all our knowledge and experience, associated to the idea of quality. ASTRA’s staff points both at the company’s profit, but mostly at meeting the client’s requirements through offering a flawless service, which leads to the best advertisement. The technical innovation is the guideline through all production phases – the computerized operative systems used allow for higher competitiveness and continuous improvement, a permanent quality control especially before the orders are shipped away. Our production can be highly customized thanks to our technical office that manages to interpret the requests even in various other cultural contexts, by designing the multiple solutions to propose by using the several lines of standard cabinetry or by modifying its constructive features in order to reach the highest level of client satisfaction. Therefore, ASTRA proposes itself as a trustworthy consultant – our activity is not limited to supplying a specific type of product, we help our clients in the attempt to design a project from the first sketches to the final choice, always keeping in mind the necessity of counterbalancing the quality with good prices. This distinguishing feature is based on a consolidated know-how improved along years of designing and manufacturing.